Stricter Rules for Gifting

If you give money or non-cash donations to charity, you’ll be interested in some of the provisions of the new Pension Protection Act. There are two changes affecting charity:  the first is that you are now required to maintain written documents for any cash...

Are ETFs Right for You?

Exchange traded funds (ETFs) are gaining in popularity, but are they right for you? ETFs are similar to index funds, but they trade like a stock, meaning they can be bought and sold throughout the day instead of just once a day. Advantages: Low cost – ETFs have...

Deducting Roth IRA Losses

Recently, someone asked me if they could deduct losses they incurred in their Roth IRA.  Here’s my response… You can deduct losses in a Roth IRA, but the rules and treatment are different than you might expect.  First, in order to claim a loss in...