401K Options

Whether you’re switching jobs or retiring completely, chances are you have a 401K or other company sponsored retirement plan that you’ll need to make a decision about. There are several options on how to handle your 401(k) money when you leave a job: Take the...

Buried in Credit Card Offers?

Tired of receiving 5 credit card offers for every 1 piece of "real" mail?  Now you can opt of pre-approved credit card offers.  The Fair Credit Reporting Act requires credit reporting agencies to maintain an opt-out list of consumers who no longer...

Dieting and Investing

I’m always telling clients to look at the "big picture" and to avoid looking at their stocks/mutual funds each day.  It’s more important that your Net Worth increase each year and that you get closer to your financial goals.  But,...

Don’t Let Taxes Ruin Your Retirement

You know that you should diversify your investments to reduce your investment risk, but did you know you should also diversify your investments for tax purposes? 401K and IRA accounts are taxed at your ordinary income tax rate, so if you’re in the 25% tax...